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Hardwick Skatepark Collective

Here's a description of the recently formed Hardwick Skatepark Collective, written by Jasper & Dean.


What is the Hardwick Skatepark Collective?

The skatepark collective is a group that was recently formed for the sole purpose of getting a skatepark built in the town of Hardwick. We have weekly Wednesday meetings where we plan and problem solve. We have made some good progress and are eager to get this thing built! We are working on fundraising to raise as much money as we can. 


It’s a small town but the spirit of skateboarding is strong! There are many younger kids (and adults) that skateboard as well as others that bike, roller skate and more. You may see that the only place people have to skateboard in the town of Hardwick are the streets, this is not only a nuisance to drivers on the road, but highly unsafe. Having a skatepark in Hardwick would keep the skateboard community off the streets. A skatepark also provides a space for other sports like bikes, scooters and more, a recreational place is just what this town needs!


The collective currently consists of only a few members: Dean Burns, Jasper Regan, Sawyer Holmes, Fred Daniels, and Rose Friedman. We would love to have new members join, all you have to do is show up to the Civic at 3:30 on Tuesdays.



Hardwick Skatepark Collective

Youth Programing

The Civic Standard is committed to creating spaces where everyone is welcome, including our town’s youth. To that end, our youth programming centers young people in the making of a common culture. We lend an open ear to their ideas and provide support to help bring these ideas into reality. Stop by during open hours with feedback, questions, or ideas about what we can do next.


You can also read our Safety Policies and Procedures here.


Every Tuesday, a group of young people get together at the Civic to play "Magic the Gathering", hosted by the Civic's program assistant Dean Burns. The game begins at 5pm, and new players are always welcome to join. Reach out with any questions.

Magic the gathering

Where are you going? How are you getting there? Come to Futuremakers where we explore possibilities beyond and after high school. Join a small group of peers asking the same question: what’s next? College? A career? Both? Neither? Let’s figure it out together.


Futuremakers is an experience for youth ages 14-20 to explore and ideate their individual and collective next steps during and after high school. Through creative exploration and expression, youth will engage in activities to uncover direction and possibility for themselves in and beyond their immediate communities, growing understanding towards a global perspective, creating and building the world they wish to see. For some this looks like support with finding their first job and getting their license and for others it might be finding scholarship opportunities for college as first- generation college students.

Future Makers

Future Makers

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